Sunday, March 24, 2013


Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice. -Philippians 4:4

Beautiful Things

You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of the dust
You make beautiful things
You make beautiful things out of us
You make me new, You ARE making me new
You make me new, You ARE making me new

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Arrived Safely

 Austen loves planes and sleeping!
P.S Austen does not like hats or blankets on her head!  
Tim, Cara, George, and baby Austen all made it to Reno safely! God had his hand over them watching and protecting them. All of their luggage got there and Austen did very well on the plane!  

Friday, March 15, 2013

Background Story

On May, 26, 1990 Cara Crone and Tim Pena married in Memphis,TN.
They went from living in Indiana to Mississippi, they both worked at S.B.E.C.(Sourthern Baptist Educational Center) In September 1993, Tim and Cara had their first daughter, Wesley Pena.:) Wesley is now 19, and attending Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. After Wesley was born Cara stopped teaching and became a wonderful at home mom. In April 1996, they had their second daughter Ryan Pena. Ryan is now attending S.B.E.C. and is a junior. In Feburary, 1998 they had their first son, Ty Pena, he is also attending S.B.E.C in the 8th grade. In 1999, Tim became a youth pastoR, he felt like it was a step closer to the mission field. In January 2000, Tate Pena was born, the third daughter and fourth child. Tate is in the 7th grade at Snowden Home School Tutoring Program. In 2001, the second son, Rowdy Pena was born. He is home schooled by Cara. In 2002, Cara And Tim felt like God was telling them to serve on the mission feild. They left in September, for Belem Brazil. While the Pena's were on the mission Tim was diagnosed with Lymes disease, which is all caused by a simple tick bite. The Penas then came home so Tim could get the right medical attention. They returned in 2003 on Thanksgiving Day. They tried all types of treatment and medicine, but it never worked tremendously for him. All of the medicines would help for a short time then he would "shut down" meaning he would not be able to do anything except sit. In the summer of 2004, the third son Hudson Pena was born. He is a 2nd grader being homeschooled by Cara. During this time, Tim is still sick and not improving, but God had a plan for all of this and he also had a plan that in January 2006, the fourth son, Tal Pena was born. He is a young first grader, who is also homeschooled by Cara. In the summer of 2008, Treader Pena was born. He is a four year old and believes he is Batman, Captain America, and Ninjago. During the next four years Tim never got better, if anything he got worse... In December 2012, the most recent baby Pena was born. A daughter, Austen Pena, is now 2 months and loves to smile. During the winter of 2012, Tim felt like God was telling him to go to Reno, Nevada for treatment of his disease. He is leaving Saturday, March 16th. Cara and Austen are going with him, also Cara's dad, George Crone is going with them for the first two weeks and then will return. The plan is to go to the doctor from Monday through Friday. They will be gone for 6 to 8 weeks. During this time period, Wesley will be at school, Ryan,Ty,Tate,Rowdy,Hudson,Tal, and Treader will all stay will their Grandmother, Jackie Crone (Nana). Through this all we know that God has a plan for everything.
" Do not be fainthearted or afriad; do not be terrified or give way to panic before them. For the Lord your God is the one who goes with you to fight for you against your enemies to give you victory." - Deuteronomy 20:3-4Collapse this post